Graybear’s Guide to Growing an Edible Flower, Herb and Vegetable Garden with your Child
In our efforts to introduce children to Nature, we have found there are few things that rival the glorious teaching moments and countless miracles of Nature offered by the backyard garden!
In our rather circuitous course to arrive at Grandparents of the Forest, we went from growing food for over 150 families on three acres of land to a home garden plot of about 1,000 square feet.
There are some who claim you can feed one person for a year on a garden about our size. We don’t know if it’s true, but we don’t think we could be without a garden of any size, no matter how much or little it provides us. There is exercise, nutrition, joy, education and much more derived from tending a few plants.
We learned so much on that journey that we’d like to share with you!
Even a couple of pots in a window with a couple of seeds poked into them yields a view of the miracle that a large complete living organism can be contained in a small seed.
- Having to wait for that seed to emerge from beneath the soil presents a child the need to learn patience.
- Then that patience is tested as day by day she watches it grow until it can be appreciated either as the visual delight of a flower or a taste sensation of food she grew herself… achieving a well earned sense of pride in her accomplishment.
- He can learn responsibility in the watering and feeding of the plants.
- She can develop critical thinking skills as she encounters problems with the plants that need resolution.
- He can expand his awareness of the world as it comes to visit his little fiefdom in the language of the weather, birds, bees, butterflies and other creatures.
We wrote our Graybear’s Growing an Edible Flower, Herb and Vegetable Garden with your Child guide to assist you, even if you have never even grown a houseplant. We constructed it to help you begin to teach your child where food, medicines and much of the resources on which she depends originates.
Graybear’s Growing an Edible Flower, Herb and Vegetable Garden with your Child includes step-by-step instructions for 14 of our favorite selected edible flowers, herbs, vegetables and fruit to grow with children.
We cover:
- Soil
- Planting
- Watering
- Fertilizing
- Harvesting
- Container growing
- Recipes for kitchen and medicinal use
- And 5 garden diagrams
We hope you find it useful, entertaining and educational… and we hope it opens a new opportunity for you to spend many more hours of exploration of Nature… and Life… together with your bairns.