My informal formal bio
1978 – Moved from a small farming community in Ohio to Alaska where I worked in Special Education surrounded by the incredible beauty there
1986 – Studied with Scott Peck, author of The Road Less Traveled, to become a Community Building Workshop Leader and staff member at the Foundation for Community Encouragement
1989 – Studied with T.K. Shih of the Chinese Healing Arts Center to become a certified Qi Healer
1990 – Became a Hospice Volunteer and a Doula
1992 – Began attending various courses at Omega Institute with Stephen Levine, Ram Dass, Ken Wilbur, Huston Smith, Jon Kabat-Zinn and others through the next 8 years
1995 – Met Thich Nhat Hanh and founded a Sangha based on his teachings of Interbeing
1999 – Entered into an intense study of Sufism in various Orders and through the years, made four pilgrimages to Turkey
2000 – Entered New Seminary and was ordained an Interfaith Minister in 2003
2004 – Started an Organic Farm, Beausol Gardens and Sanctuary, where we grew food and flowers and taught interns the basics of organic and bio-dynamic farming of vegetables, herbs and flowers
2009 – Studied Flower Essences with the Bach Flower Institute
2010 – Began studying medicinal herbs with Matthew Wood, Julie McIntyre, Phyllis D. Light, Margi Flint and others
2014 – Refreshed my studies of Qi Gong with Lee Holden
2015 – Founder of Sacred Living
2016 – Founder of Grandparents of the Forest and Sacred Forest Flower Esssences
2018 – Continued intensive inner study with the natural world