Shared Meals from the Garden ~
Contributed by Deb
Our garden was completely full last week and now, we have some vacant rows. We’ve dug all the potatoes and garlic and the first planting of beans are finishing up, the second planting of beans are ready to begin harvesting ~ and now, it’s time to plant more for fall. We can almost do a complete meal from the garden when we use squash, the first of the tomatoes, dill, cilantro, beets, cabbage, lettuce and tiny baby carrots. We also have some ‘alien-looking’ kolrabi that is about the right size to harvest.

Cabbage, Zucchini, Sungold cherry tomatoes, yellow ‘wax’ beans and coriander (Cilantro seed)
Harry and I, of course, eat nearly every meal together. Harvesting from the garden, cooking together and then eating meals together is one of our favorite things in the whole world. Everything tastes better and is fresher, of course, but the added touch of love and care that is shared gives extra nutrition for body and soul. I often forget that the extra love and prayers that I can add to my cooking will be felt by those eating the meal!
We both had a tradition from our childhoods. Sundays were special. My grandparents came for dinner and would bring food from their garden or the farm roadside markets in my home state of Ohio. Mom would always have fresh pies in the summer – blueberry, strawberry, cherry, peach – even grape! (Yes, she peeled and pitted each grape!). Harry always ate Sunday lunch and/or supper at one or the other of his grandparents homes. Vegetables often came from the gardens, either fresh or frozen, and the meat was often raised and butchered by a relative. His maternal Grandma often made a lemon meringue pie for his Dad.
Our children are scattered to the winds, but these traditions are still practiced by others: one of our neighbor’s house is filled every Sunday afternoon with offspring and grandchildren.
Such simple things ~ and yet they can make a positive impact on us that lasts a lifetime.
Organized under Deb, Uncategorized.