To choose the appropriate flower essence for you, look at the photos below. Don’t evaluate based on color, size, quality of the photo, etc., but merely by are you attracted to that flower by intuition, to the essence the photo represents. Then click on the photo you have selected to be taken to a detailed description.

SF Bloodroot 275x300 SF Cardinal Flower 275x300 SF Comfrey 275x300 SF Dwarf Iris 275x300 SF Hawthorn 275x300 SF False Solomon's Seal 275x300 SF Jack-in-the-Pulpit 275x300 SF Lily-of-the-Valley 275x300 SF Mountain Laurel 275x300 SF Wood Betony 275x300SF Wood Anemone 275x300 SF White Canada Violet 275x300 SF Trout Lily 275x300 SF Solomon's Seal 275x300 SF Red Clover 275x300 SF Yarrow, Pink 275x300 SF Yarrow, White 275x300 SF Rose,'The Fairy' 275x300