Signs of Spring!
Contributed by Harry
We took advantage of a perfectly beautiful day to walk up our mountain to check on the progress of Spring.
One mission of our walk was to find the first wildflower of the season. We didn’t find it… yet. But… There are lots of tiny little plants peaking out through the leaf litter of the forest floor.
The coolest things we found were in or next to water. In the next hollow over from ours, someone long ago built a little pond fairly high on the mountainside to catch water from a nice little stream coming off the mountain. After the water settles in the pond for a while, it leaves and tumbles down the slope, joining other streams, which join other streams, which join a river. All that water eventually finds its way to the Gulf of Mexico. (We are on the western side of the Eastern Continental Divide.)
We did find two other evidences of Spring.
Think a deep-throated “Charump!” Or maybe it should be a higher pitched “Ribbet!”
Right! We saw some frogs swimming and jumping in the pond. They hid from us under the leaves and mud, so we could not identify them. (You would hide, too, if you saw something 100 times bigger than you coming towards your home!) But they left a huge mass of something that tells us they are there even if we had not seen them jump and swim.
Can you tell what is in the picture?
Of course! Frog eggs! You can see the big embryo in each transparent egg. In a short time, we should be able to see a tiny tadpole wiggling in each egg. This pond will be FULL of tadpoles soon! If we had sat down and been very still and quiet, I bet the frogs would have come up and sang for us.
The other thing we saw, while not rare, is seldom noticed and recognized:
This plant that looks like lizard skin is a ‘liverwort’ (a bryophyte). It is a ‘lower plant’, more primitive than ferns and mosses (some of which you can see poking out between the thallus (not a leaf or stem, but a ‘body’) of the liverwort. This plant has no stem, leaves, flowers, seeds or ‘veins’. Instead of seeds it has spores.
This primitive liverwort should not be confused with the spring wildflower liverwort (Hepatica), which will bloom in about a month.
We found one more thing near this liverwort and moss.
Do you recognize these?
I’m not positive, but I’m pretty sure they are little insect cocoons. They could be insect eggs, but I don’t think so. IN either case, they have been here all winter waiting for warm weather to arrive so they can emerge.
Even though it may still be cool where you live, go out and see what ‘signs of spring’ you can find.
Organized under Amphibians, Insects, Nicolas, Spring.